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Labor Market Insights and Decision-Making Tool



    Aligned with the national transformation goals, P2H developed a comprehensive labor market analytics and visualization tool. This initiative is designed to furnish robust reports and statistics on the labor market dashboards, serving as a foundational element in the decision-making processes of government and recruitment agencies.

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    Survey Generation and Management

    Creating a dynamic survey engine on an administrative platform for efficient survey distribution.

    presention chart

    Data Analysis and Visualization

    Constructing a system to analyze survey data by different parameters and display results comprehensively.

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    Confidentiality and Accessibility:

    Ensuring the tool is user-friendly for a diverse workforce while maintaining the anonymity and privacy of responses.

    P2H Team Composition

    • Project Manager‬‬
    • Business Analysts
    • Software Developers
    • Quality Assurance Professionals

    Tech Stack

    Web Development
    • Ruby
      Vue JS
    • Chart JS
      Chart JS
    • Ruby
    • MySQL
    • Redis
    • Data Encryption
      Data Encryption
    • Key
      Compliance Standards
    Cloud Hosting
    • cloud hosting
      National cloud hosting solution
    Custom Survey Engine


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    Survey Engine

    Implemented within an administrative platform, this engine facilitated the creation and dissemination of tailored employee satisfaction surveys.

    Data Visualization Platform

    After collecting responses, the data was processed and visualized on a dedicated landing page. The platform presented detailed insights into employee satisfaction, segmented by various dimensions and retail companies.


    This project significantly advanced:


    A deeper understanding of employee satisfaction trends in the Retail sector.


    Data-informed strategies for Retail companies to enhance workplace conditions.

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    Increased employee engagement through a secure and straightforward feedback process.

    Future Plans

    P2H aims to create a comprehensive platform to visualize employee satisfaction and trends in all economic sectors of the country.


    The Employee Satisfaction Survey and Visualization Tool by P2H played a pivotal role in a broader national effort to reform and enhance the Retail sector. It demonstrates our ability to deliver innovative data analytics solutions that inform policy and operational decisions.

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