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Customized Grafana Dashboard Project

Software Development


    P2H embarked on a transformative project with a prominent Saudi Arabian holding company operating in the government and semi-government sectors. The project’s focal point was the enhancement and customization of Grafana dashboards. These dashboards are crucial for the client’s data visualization needs, requiring a blend of aesthetic appeal and functionality.


    The client focuses on enhancing its capabilities in data visualization, specifically targeting the monitoring of integration services health check status. They aim to transform traditional Grafana dashboards into more dynamic, visually engaging, and user-friendly interfaces. This upgrade is driven by the need to render complex datasets accessible and understandable to a broader audience, including stakeholders and decision-makers within the government and semi-government sectors.


    Develop advanced, customized Grafana dashboards with futuristic designs, ensuring they are not only visually appealing but also offer comprehensive data analysis capabilities. The project aimed to enhance the client’s data visualization tools to support better decision-making processes, improve transparency, and foster a more data-driven approach in governmental operations.




    Matching Figma designs within Grafana’s customization capabilities.

    presention chart

    Data Integration

    Integrating various data sources for real-time visualization.

    icon heart & check

    Client Feedback

    Iterative refinements based on detailed client input


    image description
    • Custom Dashboard Development

      Utilizing Grafana’s flexibility, the team designed dynamic dashboards with custom CSS and JavaScript to meet the client’s unique aesthetic and functional requirements.

    • Advanced-Data Visualization

      Employed sophisticated techniques for displaying complex datasets intuitively, leveraging Grafana’s analytics and interactive features.

    • Data Sources Integration

      Ensured seamless real-time data updates from various sources for accurate and reliable dashboard displays.

    • Responsive Design

      Focused on creating dashboards that are accessible and performant on multiple devices, enhancing overall user experience.

    • User Customization

      Added features for end-user customization, allowing personalized interaction with the dashboard.

    Process and Execution

    • Design and Prototyping Initiated with a focus on creating user-friendly and futuristic interfaces using Figma. This phase was characterized not just by aesthetic design but also by incorporating advanced techniques like linear interpolation for smooth data visualization, ensuring the designs were versatile and adaptable for future developments.
    • Implementation This stage involved the precise translation of Figma designs into Grafana environments. We employed extensive customizations using CSS and JavaScript, integrating sophisticated data processing and transformation methods. This approach ensured the dashboards were not only visually compelling but also robust, efficient, and flexible in handling complex data sets.
    • Iterative Development We maintained a constant feedback loop with the client, which allowed for iterative refinements of the dashboards. This process ensured alignment with the client’s expectations and specifications, emphasizing functionality and user experience.
    • Future-Proofing A pivotal aspect of our strategy was creating a bulletproof solution. Our design and implementation were meticulously planned to be forward-compatible, focusing on adaptability to upcoming Grafana updates. This foresight in development ensures that the dashboards are equipped to seamlessly integrate with major future changes in Grafana versions, safeguarding the client’s long-term investment.

    P2H  Team Composition

    • Project Lead
    • UI/UX Designer
    • Grafana Developer
    • Front-End Developer
    • Data Engineer
    • Quality Assurance Specialist

    Tech Stack

    Front-End Technologies
    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JavaScript
      JavaScript (ES6+)
    Design Tools
    • Figma
    Data Visualization
    • Grafana
    Version Control
    • Git
    • GitLab
    Project Management
    • Agile
    • JIRA
    • Slack
    • Zoom

    Future Plans

    The next phase focuses on innovatively and engagingly representing all client services graphically, enhancing dashboard usability and functionality beyond standard widgets.


    This project showcases P2H’s expertise in delivering bespoke, aesthetically superior, and highly functional data visualization solutions. Through innovative design, technical prowess, and client-centric development, we achieved a product that goes beyond traditional dashboard visualization, catering to the specific needs of a high-profile client in the government sector.

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